Tips for Running in the Rain

I know plenty of you are saying, “I don’t run in rain,” but we have some tips to help make it a more pleasant experience.  The fact is there will be days when it rains.  Think of it this way … when do we, as adults, get to play in the rain with our friends?!?  Tulsa Galloway trains in all types of weather in order to be prepared for whatever race day brings.  Better off knowing what it feels like and what to do in a practice run.

Our Training runs are canceled if it’s lightning, or if the ‘Real Feel’ is higher than 110 degrees or below 0 degrees.

Ready, Set, Splash! – Tips for Running and Walking in the Rain:

Wear a hat with a brim or a visor

It will keep the rain off your face and help block the wind allowing you to see.

Lube up

When you’re wet, things tend to chafe more.  Slather Vaseline, Body Glide, Aquaphor, or other anti-chafe cream on your feet before you put on your socks to help prevent blisters, and on any other body parts that may chafe (arms, nipples, legs, sports bra seam lines, etc.).

Jacket, Vest or Trash Bag

Wicking apparel is key—it pulls moisture away from your skin, which helps prevent chafing and blisters.  Tighter tops and bottoms are less likely to chafe.  Light-colored bras, tops, and bottoms become see-through when wet, so stick to darker colors in the rain.  If it’s also cold, throw on an outer layer.  This should be a wind and water-resistant jacket (a big trash bag can do the trick).  However, wearing more layers doesn’t mean you’ll stay dry; it may mean that you’ll be wearing unnecessary heavy and wet clothes.

Wicking Socks

Wearing a pair of wicking socks can make all the difference in preventing blisters from developing.  Remember—cotton is rotten.


In the driving rain, wearing a pair of light-tinted or clear glasses can help protect your eyes from getting pelted.  A good anti-fog lens cleaner will keep your vision clear in the moisture and humidity.

Protect your electronics

Store your electronics, such as your cell phone, run-walk timer and car keys, in a Ziploc bag.

Be careful

While running, be extra careful and watch your footing.  Puddles may hide a pothole, and roads get slick when it’s wet.  Anything on the ground that’s painted or metal will be slick, so try to avoid them.

Bring a towel or change of clothing

For your ride home.

Dry out your shoes

When you get back from a wet run, take off your running shoes, loosen the laces, take out the insoles, and stuff them with crumpled balls of newspaper.  This helps the shoes keep their shape, and the paper draws moisture away from the shoes.  Don’t put your wet shoes on direct heat!  The heat will dry out the materials in the shoes and mess with the shoe’s integrity.

Pat yourself on the back!

Running in the rain isn’t always fun, especially if it’s cold and windy.  Be proud of yourself that you ran against your normal element.