Run Walk Method

Benefits of Galloway Run Walk Method

The Galloway Run-Walk-Run method helps conserve energy to run stronger for longer, and benefits runners at all levels. Run-Walk-Run training leads to a significant risk reward advantage. You get less injury, better recovery, and consistent improvement with time.

  • Interval training is backed by science as a proven method to make you a stronger, faster runner.
  • Interval training burns more fat and calories than running at a constant pace.
  • Research shows that interval training can improve cardiovascular health and whip you into shape faster than steady-state cardio.
  • Interval training conditions more muscles because running and walking use completely different muscle groups.
  • Weaving running and walking together reduces fatigue and overuse injuries on muscles and joints.
  • Interval training provides all the running enhancements without exhaustion or pain.
  • Interval training helps conserve energy while enabling a faster overall pace.
  • Interval training increases running speed and finishing strength.
  • Interval training speeds up recovery time due to less wear and tear on the body.
  • Interval training breaks up distances into manageable units.
  • Runners tend to enjoy interval training more than steady state running.

Misconceptions of Galloway Run Walk Method

  1. You’re not a real runner if you take walk breaks.

Contrary to what you might think, interval training does not mean walking when you’re tired; it means taking walk breaks when you’re not. It’s a conscious strategy or technique that you commit to from the very beginning of the workout. Many runners take their own version of walk breaks without thinking about it—they slow down at water stations or reduce their pace when they tire. Scheduling walk breaks gives you control over the race and a chance to finish stronger.

  1. Interval training is only a beginner or introductory phase into a running program.

Definitely not! Most, if not all, ultrarunners use a run-walk strategy for training and racing. This strategy helps them conserve energy to run stronger for longer. Interval training works for runners at all levels.

  1. Walking is weak.

Fact: Walking can make you faster. All runners walk: aid stations, workouts, whenever we feel like it. Go watch an ultra – many racers walk every uphill. Assigning virtue to one locomotion is needlessly unfair and unkind. And if you’re afraid to be seen walking, your ego may actually be hurting your training. Downshifting during a high-intensity session lets you do more work at a faster speed. Walking can also present an approachable way to reach a new distance goal. Run-walking won’t cost you much, if any, time compared with run-running. A 2014 study in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport tracked runners versus run-walkers in a marathon. The two groups had similar median finish times: 4:14:25 for the run-walkers and 4:07:40 for the runners. That’s less than a 3 percent difference, and after the race, the run-walk group reported less fatigue and muscle pain.

Proven Race Results

Tulsa Galloway‘s participants have improved their race times even though they’re running less than before!