Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the worldwide Jeff Galloway Training Program, its highly successful Run-Walk-Run method, and the Tulsa Galloway Training Program.

Why do I need a training group?

The power of the group cannot be understated. Jeff Galloway’s success rate is 98% for those who go through and follow the Galloway Training Program. As a team, you can share the challenges, the laughs, the struggles, and the exhilaration. No one needs to go through a tough day without being bolstered by others. As you give support, you will receive much in return. Every year, in just about every pace group, lifelong friendships are formed. See Group Benefits.

How far do I need to run to be able to complete this training program?

The Galloway Run-Walk-Run method is specifically designed to help runners at every fitness level, age, pace, and distance – from beginners to Boston qualifiers.

How often do I need to run to be able to complete this training program?

Depending on your goals, total running will vary between three-five days per week.

All participants are encouraged to take one day a week off completely.

Beginners wishing to complete the distance will run three days per week, and walk or cross-train two days a week.

Novices wishing to complete the distance will run three days per week, and cross-train two days a week.

Advanced runners with a specific time goal will run four days per week, and cross-train one day a week.

Cross-training or walking will benefit you and help you recover from your longer training runs regardless of the pace you maintain. Cross country ski machines, water running, cycling, and any other mode which you find fun and interesting (but non-pounding) will improve overall fitness.

How fast do I need to run to be able to complete this training program?

Our groups are based according to pace and ability.

All groups will be lead by an experienced Pace Group Leader who will help guide your training at a pace that is appropriate for you.

The goal is for all participants, regardless of pace, to stay conversational during the long group training runs. This means that you should be exerting yourself at a low enough level that you can talk. It’s okay to take deep breaths between sentences, but you don’t want to “huff and puff” between every word.

When and for how long does the group meet to run?

Tulsa Galloway offers numerous coached training opportunities each week, both morning and evening. However, all that is necessary to train for any distance is just three runs per week: two runs during the week and a longer run on Saturday. See Training Days & Locations.

All weekday runs are 30-45 minutes. The time it takes on the run on Saturday will progressively increase through the program. Depending on the mileage covered, it will vary from about 40 minutes to over 6 hours in the later stages of marathon training.

Are classes cancelled in bad weather?

As long as the weather is not hazardous, we will run. The group atmosphere will definitely help you get out there on those cold, hot, or rainy days. It’s hard to make excuses when there are others out there waiting for you!

What if I cannot attend all the classes?

Attendance is encouraged but not mandatory. Many people meet their marathon or half marathon goals despite gaps in attendance. Their success comes through closely following the Galloway program schedule and training program principles on their own, when they aren’t able to run with the group. Most people find that the camaraderie, encouragement, accountability, and personal attention that come with class attendance increase their likelihood of success.

What about these walk breaks?

Most runners will record significantly faster times when they take walk breaks because they don’t slow down at the end of a long run. Thousands of time-goal-oriented veterans have improved by 10, 20, 30 minutes and more in marathons by taking walk breaks early and often in their goal races. You can easily spot these folks. They are the ones who are picking up speed during the last 2-6 miles when everyone else is slowing down.

The mental benefit: breaking [13 miles or] 26 miles into segments, which you know you can do. Even sub-3 hour marathoners continue to take their walk breaks to the end. One of them explained it this way: “Instead of thinking at 20 miles I had 6 more gut-wrenching miles to go, I was saying to myself, ‘Only one more mile until my break.’ Even when it was tough, I always felt I could go one more mile.”

Why do walk breaks work?

By using muscles in different ways from the beginning, your legs keep their bounce as they conserve resources. When a muscle group, such as your calf, is used continuously step-by-step, it fatigues relatively soon. The weak areas get overused and force you to slow down later or scream at you in pain afterward. By shifting back and forth between walking and running muscles, you distribute the workload among a variety of muscles, increasing your overall performance capacity. For veteran marathoners, this is often the difference between achieving a time goal or not.

Walk breaks will significantly speed up recovery because there is less damage to repair. The early walk breaks will erase fatigue, and the later walk breaks will reduce or eliminate overuse muscle breakdown.

Do I need to take the walk breaks on the short runs during the week?

Walk breaks on midweek runs will ensure that you recover from the long ones at the fastest pace.

Does Tulsa Galloway offer a walking group?

Yes! We offer both Run-Walk-Run and walking groups. All abilities, ages, and paces are welcome.

Is there a cost for the training program and how do I sign-up?

Yes, there is a cost. We currently offer two six-month training options per year with two pricing structures: New Member ($95) and Alumni ($75). Register online under JOIN US! for our affordable, proven, and successful worldwide training program.

We invite you to join us for a FREE training run to see for yourself. Run/Walk-ins are always welcome!