Think the Galloway Run-Walk-Run method is only for slow runners?
This could be you, too! Whether you’re training for a marathon or just want to improve your running ability, Tulsa Galloway Training Program is for you. Have fun while running, improve your pace, and enjoy a speedier recovery after your workouts, all with a team to support and encourage you every step of the way.
Think you’re too busy to train for a race?
Sara is a wife and mother who travels extensively for her job. The Galloway method allows her to train for her goal race and still have a life! The Galloway Run-Walk-Run method’s unique approach is specifically designed to help runners of all fitness levels, ages, and paces complete a 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or marathon without injury. This low-mileage, injury-free training program is for those who have jobs, families, and a life!
Think ‘real runners’ don’t take walk breaks?
There’s a better way to go the distance — by alternating walking and running from the start! Once you commit to this method, there’s probably not a distance you can’t cover. Walk breaks allow us to feel strong until the end and help us recover fast.
Think you’re too old to run a marathon?
One of the fastest growing age groups in many parts of the running world is the 80+ division. Running is one of the few recreational activities that can often be enjoyed into advanced ages! Don’t let age (or anything else) hold you back. The Galloway Run-Walk-Run method is designed to help runners at every fitness level, age, and pace.
Think you’re too young to run?
In an age of screen addiction and childhood obesity, it’s more important than ever for kids to go outside. Running is a great way for families to bond, to teach young kids about what the body and mind are capable of, and to instill a lifelong love of health and fitness!
Think you’re on your own during a long run?
Going at it alone can be hard. The most important thing runners need for success is a strong support system! Dwight is like a lighthouse in the midst of the miles with his “aid station buffet” and high-fives. He helps our runners reach their goals happier and healthier!
Think you can’t run a half marathon because you’ve never run before?
Considering your first half-marathon? The key is preparing your body for the distance without overdoing it, which could cause an injury. The Galloway Run-Walk-Run method will guide you to the finish line injury-free. Go ahead and sign up at
Think training for a marathon is too exhausting?
It’s possible to train for a long distance event and have a life. With the Jeff Galloway Training Program, you only have to make time for two 30-minute to 45-minute runs during the week and a long run on the weekend! There is no need to worry about sacrificing time with your kids, missing your favorite television shows, or not having time to complete homework. This training program is designed to fit your life, not consume it!
Think you have to handle life’s stresses all alone?
Exercise to relax! Exercise increases your sense of well-being and takes your mind off of your problems. At Tulsa Galloway, we offer nine group training opportunities each week from various locations, where you can enjoy the combined benefits of exercise and fun with friends. We listen and support one another, and laugh a lot. Drop in any time for a free training run and see for yourself! Our training schedule is listed on our website here:
Think other runners will think you’re lazy by stopping to walk during a race?
Contrary to what you might think, interval training doesn’t mean walking when you’re tired — it means taking walk breaks when you’re not. It’s a conscious strategy or technique that you commit to from the very beginning of the workout! Many runners take their own version of walk breaks without thinking about it, such as slowing down at water stations or reducing their pace when they get tired. Scheduling walk breaks gives you control over the race and a chance to finish stronger!
Think age can slow you down?
Running, at any age, offers so many positive benefits! These include reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, and dementia. Contrary to what many people believe, running does not predispose joints to arthritis. In fact, walking and running can help with chronic health problems. By adding walk breaks to your running, you will allow your body to recover faster! One would assume that if you take walk breaks while running, your pace would slow down. However, the amazing thing about our program is that by incorporating walk breaks, a runner’s time can actually improve!